Jmarie1212's Polls
Jmarie1212 published 80 polls

Who's the Best Riverdale Character (Out of these)

Which Shadowhunters Character Is Your Favorite Out Of The Main? (Mortal Instruments)

Which Spiderman Is The Best?

Which Jeydon Wale Photo? (Youtube)

Which Johnnie Guilbert Photo? (Youtube)

Which Alex Dorame Picture? (Youtube)

Which HeyThereImShannon Photo? (Youtube)

Which Jordan Sweeto Photo? (Youtube)

Which Kyle David Hall Photo? (Youtube)

Which Samm Rochelle Photo? (Youtube)

Which Captain Swan Photo? (OUAT Fans Only!)

Who Is Your Favorite Beauty and the Beast Character? (2017)

Which Beauty and the Beast song from the live action?
Beauty and the Beast live action or animation? (If you seen the live action)

Which Pretty Little Liars Cover? (I made these so please no stealing)

Which of the following Disney movies do you like the most?
Which Realistic Disney Character Picture?

Which Wendy Picture?

Which Tinkerbell Picture?