Jinxie? Do you wanna make a potion? (sing to the tune of Do you wanna build a snowman in that beautiful voice of yours)

it all goes out of tune but you can make it sound greeeeaaattt that's why I put a cookie on your plate :p
on April 19, 2014

(read this before the second part) you need to make up the next line
on April 19, 2014

I'm not creative but you are so perfect and fineeee do you wanna make a potion... and then be mine?
on April 19, 2014
on April 19, 2014

HI JINXIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *so excited you are here* :-* :-* :-*

thou only haveth 2 followers? one would think that thou would haveth many a follower, maybe even 1,000! more than one can even follow!
on April 19, 2014
on April 19, 2014