on February 27, 2016
on February 27, 2016

I won't be on much today due to some things irl...if I'm on it's because I'm talking to my friends but I highly doubt I'll be rping or anything like that...
on February 26, 2016

Well goodnight my ARMY! I'm most likely going to curl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep....
on February 26, 2016

Say one word that describes my profile pic
Stolen from @PreciousCinnamonRolls
Stolen from @PreciousCinnamonRolls
on February 26, 2016

XD i just noticed you put me in your bio..*dances* lol idek...
on February 26, 2016

OMFG I LOVE YOUR PROFILE PIC!! XD...sorry about that im just a really big Andy Biersack fan..
on February 26, 2016

brb..or it might be gtg idk yet..it really depends on how I feel....
on February 26, 2016

Can I claim the big brother role?
on February 26, 2016

(Sorry to all of my followers about all of the Korean guys and Kpop but I had to deal with your Undertale, Warrior Cats, Percy Jackson, Black Bulter, Ect; so hate if you want but if I have to deal with your stuff and don't say anything about it then you have to do the same with me or just unfollow me I honestly don't care...)
You shouldn't say that...
(Jungkook hush...I'm just tired of people complaining about BTS and other Kpop bands and all of that spamming their newsfeed when See More I have to deal with their fandoms...we all like different things and that doesn't matter but what does matter is when you complain about it when no one ever sees me complain about the fandom spams...)
You shouldn't say that...
(Jungkook hush...I'm just tired of people complaining about BTS and other Kpop bands and all of that spamming their newsfeed when See More I have to deal with their fandoms...we all like different things and that doesn't matter but what does matter is when you complain about it when no one ever sees me complain about the fandom spams...)
on February 26, 2016