Wow I'm impressed getting really good at putting on make up

Buh bye
on May 11, 2013

Good sorry got to go
on May 11, 2013

on May 11, 2013

Huh ok
on May 11, 2013

on May 11, 2013
on May 11, 2013

Hai havnt talked in a long time message me :)

That's hilarious. Thanks for making my day. I made him a name tag that says: Hello I'm Frenchie.
on May 11, 2013
on May 11, 2013

Your story cover "I Don't Care" is done. It's not the best but I tried lol. I hope you like the bloody red writing lol

Lol I'm glad. =) I know you wanted a plain white back ground, but I thought adding a little black in it on the bottom would add mysterious in it. Hope you didn't mind on that lol
on May 10, 2013
on May 10, 2013

on May 10, 2013

The definition for sl.ut is
a. A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous.
b. A woman prostitute.
2. A slovenly woman; a slattern.
a. A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous.
b. A woman prostitute.
2. A slovenly woman; a slattern.

Sorry I posted this I'm just seen lots of people calling people slu.ts on qfeast when te don't even know them so I thought this may help
on May 07, 2013
on May 07, 2013

Hey everyone <3, i think what Alice did was wrong but all the things people have been posting about her has also been bad and not called for and everyone needs to stop including Alice
on May 06, 2013

Hello, I will be making your story cover this week. So I should have it up by Friday or next monday. Sorry for the long wait but I want to make this good for your story lol
on May 06, 2013

Yay I'm super excited my mom just gave me a new camcorder finally a real camera to take my videos and pictures with instead of my phone yay
on May 05, 2013

Just want to apologize to all my followers if I haven't followed u yet, there's a lot of u so it may take me a while but I will try my best to follow each and everyone of u sorry for any inconvenience
on May 04, 2013