
Look what personality I've got! I'm snowy!!!
White wolf
you are strong and graceful. you would most likely be a beta in the pack (second in command)
on June 04, 2016
Look what personality I've got! The name I want is Timber!!!?
Brown Wolf
Brown Wolf
You chose a Brown Wolf. You live in the forest and you live in a big pack and have different relationships with every wolf. You are funny, adventurous and a great scouter. You are loyal and can blend in with trees.
on June 04, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you? I'm a Raining Storm lol
You are skillful and practical. You are called Rainstar!
You are skillful and practical. You are called Rainstar!
You were chosen as leader of your clan because you can plan as well as fight. You may not be super strong, but you know most of your enemies' battle moves and can elude them while still inflicting damage!
on June 04, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you? I'm an ocean queen!!! ?
Ocean Tsunami
Ocean Tsunami
You're a dragon that lives right under Hawaii. You have plenty of fish to eat, and like to show off you're blue scales to crowds of people and other dragons. Most dragons like to show off they're treasure hoard, but Ocean Tsunami's like to show off both they're scales and treasures!
on June 04, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You are a dappled grey and black cat with soft yellow eyes. You have become the medicine cat (or apprentice to the medicine cat), because of your love and care for your clan-mates. You are a peaceful cat and do not have enemies within any of the clans. Your clan depends on you to heal their wounds and treat sickness and your energy to help them never fades.
on June 04, 2016
uploaded a photo
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on May 30, 2016