I would like to inform you that one of my best friends is pansexual and I am Christian. You can't use your religion as an excuse to be a hater. Have a good day, and may God be with you

I also have a pansexual friend
on July 17, 2015
on June 28, 2015

I think it would be nice to just make you well aware that one of the creators of the Internet, Vint Cerf, is a homosexual.
With that being said, you are using something a homosexual has created.
With that being said, you are using something a homosexual has created.

So is the inventor of the computer, Alan Turing. He was homosexual, but cracked the Nazi code by inventing what is now known as a computer, which led on to whatever device you may be using JayCity.
on June 30, 2015
on June 28, 2015

on June 28, 2015

Gooooo join WESTBORO BAPTIST! youll fit right in there! Or KKK! The only people who would enjoy your presence and stupidity!
on June 28, 2015

Guys I'm back.... I couldn't leave you guys for long you guys have just been on my mind this whole time. I'm sorry for offending others I shouldn't have been that aggressive, sorry everyone hope you guys forgive me.

on July 02, 2015

I do, even if I'm just one person, even if I'm just butting in this, even if I'm straight I was offended by some other things, but I do forgive you.
on June 29, 2015

I forgive you. I don't really blame you because I can sometimes be quite aggressive. Sorry, if I offended you in any way.
on June 21, 2015
on June 21, 2015

Guys I'm leaving qfeast for a while or I might not comeback. You guys are assholes and very weird people, I don't know why I joined this site in the first place most of you are morons. Most of you wanna make me throw up. Most of you need jesus Christ I mean why do you people even bother me.
Ps- I hope you guys find jesus Christ.
Ps- I hope you guys find jesus Christ.

I take no offense when you say I'm weird. I'm not a moron, and nor is anyone else on this site. I have found Jesus. He is my best friend. I'm sorry we make you want to throw up, but that's your digestive system telling you something. I'm sorry we drove you off, but I think they were offended by you, so it was partically our fault.
on June 29, 2015

I found Jesus- he told me he'd forgive me because God so loved he world he gave his only son for my sin. Gay isn't a sin. Lust is a sin. Read your bible you
on June 28, 2015

Dude, stop forcing your Christianityon everyone. IM Jewish, so Iddon't have to NOT believe in gay marriage.
on June 22, 2015
on June 15, 2015

The story of Genesis is made up and stupid!

I told you. Don't insult a religion without facing the repercussions. Also this was an awesome comeback so....
on August 04, 2015

@Celestial_Fire, this is like way too late but don't call someone uneducated if you can't even correctly formulate a sentence.
on August 04, 2015

Then that "somebody" was wrong. I'm neutral, but I can't stand when either sides get hate. (anti and pro)
on June 13, 2015
on June 11, 2015

Why are you obsessed with getting people to see your moronic opinions as being the right way? Do you want to move to California now to shoot every lgbt+ folk dead? Would the world be such a better place without all us gays surrounding the place just trying to be accepted? Do you really believe what you talk about are even real Catholic views? Enough is enough! You offend almost everyone here whether they are part of this or not! Just leave us the hell alone already!!?
on June 07, 2015

Homosexuality is not a choice cause you can't control your feelings. But, doing a homosexual sexual act is a choice. And I don't care if no one believes in god, god is there and that is the 100% truth. Sex is for marriage and god made marriage between men and women. Why do you think think homosexuals can't make babies together it's cause god made marriage and sex between men and women.
Ps- idc if you guys think I'm hating I'm spreading truth. I'd rather be right than the whole See More world thinking I'm wrong.
Ps- idc if you guys think I'm hating I'm spreading truth. I'd rather be right than the whole See More world thinking I'm wrong.

Not to be rude but I'm pretty sure God has better things to do than watch some ignorant little kid rant.
on June 25, 2015

There is no way he changed at all. Still terribly spiteful of everyone not like him.
on June 23, 2015

I'm sorry but that cannot be done. This is still downright rude and hurtful no matter what he says. He needs to just let people be who they are. If something cannot be changed and it's hurting nobody, what's the problem with everyone having the same rights as everyone else? He needs to see where he went wrong so this does not happen again. I agree people occasionally See More take this too far but it is to prove a point so is completely justified.
on June 23, 2015
on June 05, 2015

If you find the square you'll have good luck for a day.
Find the o and your crush will realize they love you.
Now find the happy face and you'll get your wish in 3 days.
Now put this on 5 places on Qfeast and look under your pillow.
Find the o and your crush will realize they love you.
Now find the happy face and you'll get your wish in 3 days.
Now put this on 5 places on Qfeast and look under your pillow.
on June 04, 2015

It's Raining Gays, Alleluia!
Gays are everywhere in the Church, but they didn't JUST appear. For more, visit http://www.ChurchMilitant.TV and become a premium member! Follow us! Facebook...
on June 04, 2015

Hey guys, I know I haven't been on much but alot if we things have been going on in my life. So ima try and come on more.
on May 21, 2015

Guys tell me your Skype usernames.... or just pm them to me.
on May 11, 2015
on May 09, 2015

on May 07, 2015