Jason_the_hedgehog's Starred Questions - Page 2
Jason_the_hedgehog has 107 starred questions
What's the funniest YouTube video

Favorite Dog breed? Mine is a husky because I have a pet husky named Fang

Do you think it is appropriate for a 10 year old to hear cuss words from their MOTHER t...

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea!?

In your opinion, who is the best actor that portrays Batman. (In any movie or TV show t...

What is you Fav Music Genre? I just wanted to know. I tend to turn to R and B, soul som...

Who would be the leader of creepy pasta? Jeff the killer, Slender man, or other? pls do...

Do You Want a POV In The FanFic? Hello I want to know if you guys want a POV .If you do...

What is your favorite song? (1) mine is shape of you, or maby worth it! or maby heathen...
Where do most Qfeasters live in the world(country please)? I just wanna know coz I'm in...
Are u bored? life.
who wants to rollplay?

What are some amazing and funny YouTubers that aren't as well known? I have to say Kubz...

Whats your favorite part of school? my favorite part of school is gym! whats yours?

What's your best Minecraft build?

Sonic questions! Here are my questions.. 1. whats a good sonic game to get into the fra...

does anyone know any good pages? I'm planning on converting some stuff into meme pages

Is anyone a fan of sonic X ? Plz answer ! now! I love oreos!

What is your favorite game? Minecraft or Fortnite Battle Royal