Well I was thinking of making a story like this like horror theme maybe

okay! :D
on June 01, 2018

Alright alright alright I'll make it but 1st I have to done with other stories
on June 01, 2018

doo ittttt!!!
on June 01, 2018

But I feel like it's too scary @Verrath
on June 01, 2018

on June 01, 2018
on June 01, 2018

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Which Qfeaster Are You?
on June 01, 2018

Jason_the_hedgehog added a poll to the starred list

Should Starlight join the Resistance
on May 30, 2018

Jason_the_hedgehog added a poll to the starred list
What would you like to see more of on my account?
on May 29, 2018

I think this place is dead but screw it roleplay anyone?
on May 29, 2018

I'm looking at when we talked before Julianna parents find out and I can't breathe
on May 29, 2018

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What will be your spirit object?
on May 29, 2018

I don't feel I good me and brother got into a fight and I can't breathe
on May 29, 2018

Can anyone submit for this:https://www.qfeast.com/page/JP34ZA/Avengers-infinity-war#
on May 29, 2018

Message to Julianna
Look I know you're not on anymore but even through you're not on I'll still belive that some day you'll be on
Look I know you're not on anymore but even through you're not on I'll still belive that some day you'll be on
on May 28, 2018

Starlord:We're is gamora
Doctor strange:who's is gamora
Drax:I'll even give you a better question why is gamora
Doctor strange:who's is gamora
Drax:I'll even give you a better question why is gamora
on May 28, 2018

Jason_the_hedgehog asked a question

Most favorite profile pic I used What's you most favorite profile pic I used
on May 28, 2018

on May 28, 2018

Jason_the_hedgehog asked a question

Worst thing that happened to you Me well Julianna breaking up with me cause now I lost ...
on May 28, 2018