What will be your spirit object? What will your spirit object be? A spirit object is like a reincarnation, like a spirit animal, except it's a spirit object. Luigi25 published on May 29, 2018 Stacked 1/13 Are you patient? (Be Honest) I'd like to say I'm pretty patient. I'm like the least patient person in the entire universe. My patience depends. Um...does that even matter? 2/13 Do you veg out a lot? Oh yeah. I'm super lazy sometimes. Um, no! I have work to do! Rest can come later! Uh...I don't really keep track, so.... Eh, kind of in the middle. 3/13 How's your anger issues? What anger issues? AAGGGH!! YOU TALKING ABOUT MY ANGER MAKES ME ANGRY!!!!!!! Everyone gets angry from time to time. It's part of being human. I'm a happy enchilada! 4/13 What would you rather change your name to? Paul Gibson Ratawrang Yiboskon John Mary 5/13 Which is the cutest emoji? :D :P :3 Emojis are so lame. 6/13 Is this guy a rapper? Dude, I don't really care, okay. I can find that out on TV. OH! That's Eminem! I'm gonna say yes. No idea, man. I just want to chill out and rest. I'll probably ask my friends about that one. 7/13 Someone starts trolling you on the internet. What do you do? Call him an idiotic moron with no purpose in life since he has the balls to try to even think of trolling me. No one trolls me. I'm nice to people! :) I would just ignore him. Kill him with kindness, baby! 8/13 Favorite TV Show genre? Don't care. Watching TV. It's a comedy show! :) I love horror shows. It gives me a chance of thinking of possible outcomes of the person who uses me getting his comeuppance. My favorite show genre isn't even on the list. 9/13 What party are you? Republican Democrat I prefer not to get political. Independent 4 Life, Baby. 10/13 Do you have a favorite song? Nope. I like to listen to all music. Creativity needs to be appreciated more often. Yep. Everyone does. All of these questions are supposed to give me an answer? I don't know, man. 11/13 Do you like to eat? Oh yeah. Oh, man, I'd love to, but I'm on a diet. Not really. Everyone loves to eat! 12/13 What's your favorite holiday? CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!! Thanksgiving, because I learn new things about what people are thankful for. Halloween's my day, baby. Ugh...do I have to choose one? 13/13 And now, the final questionr, how will you die? Um...what? Okay, this just got dark. Probably of Natural Causes. I want to die by something really tough to overcome. I don't go down without a fight. *Vigorous Warrior Pose*