on October 19, 2018

I was there for Julianna and she wasn't there for me she never helped me

alright. I also changed some things in my bio, changed my name from "Jaz the hedgehog and friends" to A different Spark now.
on October 19, 2018

means sorry but the limit has been pushed too much, now be very cautious (yeah, I can't get onto Hangouts due to school)
means sorry but the limit has been pushed too much, now be very cautious (yeah, I can't get onto Hangouts due to school)
on October 19, 2018
on October 19, 2018

All I see is green lights sorry I love this fu×king song AAAAAAA
on October 19, 2018

I'm glad I knew Julianna only online so I wouldn't have to hear bullshit ^_^
on October 19, 2018

on October 19, 2018

on October 19, 2018

on October 18, 2018

on October 18, 2018

Hearing about qfeast king I'm not interested don't even try to get me interested by spamming me hey firey be the qfeast king
on October 18, 2018

Fu×k this day I have to keep this a secret about qfeast bullshit and I said I got mad on the ps4 my fu×king my mom thinks I'm not getting enough sleep at a good fu×king time gaxlqy is pissing me off then gaxlqy says I'm a ass your the one who wouldn't leave me the fu×k alone and called me dick cheese and said go report joey for animal abuse WHAT THE ACTUAL FU×K not only that but I wasted my time in my laptop because in did classic on hard to unlock one map and I didn't fu×king See More get the map what a waste and what the hell I had it with this shit
on October 18, 2018

Gaxlqy look I only blocked you cause like me your over react when I made that sorry note and said that I was making fun of Julianna I mean also you called me a dick cheese so that's why I blocked you and you also said report Joey for animal abuse so I'm sorry if there's anything I did to make you mad just pm me and I'll try to see what I can work with
on October 18, 2018

The why I was a btich it's because no understands because I only have 2 online friends yeah you cut your wrist but atleast you have friends irl and online and that can save you and understands you and are at your side
on October 18, 2018

The reason why I'm a btich it's because I was pushed to the limit ya know
on October 18, 2018

I'm not dead I'm just depressed and my emotions are strong
on October 18, 2018

on October 17, 2018

Jason_the_hedgehog added a story to the favorite list

y'all are a bunch of rats, can you here me?
on October 17, 2018
what if there were infinity pumpkins?? and they all had that carving on them?????