Is this hell? When ever I said sorry they are all like your a dick @Firey_the_human and your the one who told me to drop it no fu×k you don't tell me to drop when you don't it I'm sorry but it's true
on October 15, 2018

Shit now I hate you guys I meant to write an I'm sorry note but no you I'm sorry I fu×king forget I'm not making fun of Julianna I'm making fun of my self of how I'm salty god damm!
on October 15, 2018

Galaxy I did calm down why does almost everyone I meet hate me

on October 15, 2018

Sorry my brain goes weird but I just checking about when I started so I'm sorry just leave me alone I was trying to say that I was sorry okay god I hate how I'm brain dead @KoopaQueen @galqxy come on
on October 15, 2018

I know but I'm confused I was writing a sorry note but I think I made it worse :( @KoopaQueen
on October 15, 2018
on October 14, 2018

Can I catch a break I said sorry and only posted a joke saying that I don't have a Nintendo switch

on October 14, 2018
on October 14, 2018

Now here's were I keep my Nintendo switch IF I HAD ONE!

Yeah I know but how will it be who leave me alone next thing you know izzy or Boston will call me a [email protected]
on October 14, 2018

Whoa! @Bridge.Over.The.River.Kwai and @galqxy @radical.radish is right I calm downed
on October 14, 2018
on October 14, 2018

Yo bros! Salty prick here XD look everything that I said was a lie it's sjut sometimes I come and have a good day and then someone comes saying they had a bad day and then I feel bad and you guys know me I been here since 2017 so I bit about this site full of brain dead people you know so I'm gonna work on my story if anyone is a friend of Julianna irl I'm not talking about online friends just copy and paste this message
on October 14, 2018

You had me scared for a second I thought we were digging my gave we did what you don't like being afaid it dose of your own medicine what? You don't like how it taste I thought you put me in prison but I'm the one holding the keys
This post isn't about me and Julianna this is what my fear says
This post isn't about me and Julianna this is what my fear says
on October 14, 2018

What are you scared of me it's embarrassing if wasn't for me you would never have wrote therapy I was there for you but how come you're never for me it's little but I missed you and I had scary dreams I don't really want to talk about it well that's too bad now shut up noa

What no this is just what's goes into my mind the fear it talks to me @KoopaQueen
on October 14, 2018
on October 14, 2018

As a kid I was scared of heights put that aside and now I'm here and they looked so shocking well so am I
on October 14, 2018

Why am I mad is because no one listens is because everyone is pissing me off I'm not to belive my emotions why am I here why do people do not listen I wanna be great but in the way of everything and make up some shit I hold all my issues for show and tell a lot but know but they dont know me well

if you're angry, try taking a break for a little while. try listening to music or watching your favorite shows or writing an angry letter to crumple up and throw away.
it'll pass over and it'll be ok.
it'll pass over and it'll be ok.
on October 14, 2018
on October 14, 2018

Qfeast hates me I need to go through my news feed again!!!! Just to clear 2 things fu×kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
on October 14, 2018

Probably in my opinion the most hated person on qfeast is me nope its true I called a bitch or any cuss word but almost anyone I meant wither it was a friend or not
on October 14, 2018

https://www.google.com/search?q=going+super+saiyan&client=tablet-android-samsung&prmd=visn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj0uMaksYbeAhW1HTQIHVAkC5QQ_AUIEigC#imgrc=lfjrnu0csZkj4M: I'm going fu×king ham qfeast and kid with a disability were he gets angry and he thinks no one listens is not good mix

people are just like that sometimes, it's part of life. you can grow past that. for now just try to apologize and talk to her. getting mad and calling each other names won't fix anything.
on October 14, 2018

Hmm that would get rid most of my problems @radical.radish but I'm getting everyone talks behind my back @radical.radish
on October 14, 2018

apologize to her, the only reason she did that is because you hurt her. i get it, you get angry, but you shouldn't lash out like that. just take a break or reason with everyone. you can even talk to me if you're having a problem.
on October 14, 2018

it is but getting angry won't make anything better.
try to reason with her or take a little break from technology. don't lash out at people.
try to reason with her or take a little break from technology. don't lash out at people.
on October 14, 2018

Yeah but some kid was a dick on ps4 already and she made a page about me it's bullshit @radical.radish
on October 14, 2018
on October 14, 2018

What the hell happened yesterday and why did I let it happen
on October 14, 2018

So I gonna work on my story
on October 13, 2018

I'm back!
on October 13, 2018
please don't lash out, just try explaining it again.