Jade Tibleam Kimera Rose-Possible
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Comments (14)


Ikr God it's unhelpable
on August 04, 2015
on August 04, 2015

lol my life is gonna be so disappointing X3

What is ur fiction crush?! Oh wait would it happen to be-Bean the Dynamite Duck? ? *smirks knowingly* lol

?well then! Ur a very buy girl aren't ya! ? mine are Sonic,Manic,Shadow,Espio,Mighty,
Tails,(for some reason) Scourge, Jaques from Light Mobius, and Silver. Yes they are all from Sonic I think I might have a problem. Lol I never figured out how but I have an animated crush on Scourge....don't ask.
Tails,(for some reason) Scourge, Jaques from Light Mobius, and Silver. Yes they are all from Sonic I think I might have a problem. Lol I never figured out how but I have an animated crush on Scourge....don't ask.
on May 16, 2015

Silver, Mighty, Ron Weasley, Scamp, and I never could figure this one out Donkey from shrek...
on May 16, 2015
on May 16, 2015
on May 16, 2015

Say who ur fictional crush is-if ur not a wussy! XD

Mine is A tie.....

On Manic and Tails.....and for some reason Scourge....NO HAD BETTER ASK ABOUT THAT! ??
on May 20, 2015
on May 16, 2015
on May 16, 2015