I love how Hamilton insults the issues today and shades what happened in the past so I love that.

Also the rap battle um Yes!
on July 03, 2020
on July 03, 2020

I hate being in the car with my mom when she has road rage
on July 03, 2020

Some guys at Walmart at the self check out kept staring at my chest... ? I'm not going to stop wearing my favorite Harley Quinn shirt, but seriously... wtf!
on July 02, 2020

on July 02, 2020

I should change my username to Cancel.Culture as a f'ucking joke because I got a couple people cancelled on her lmfao.
on July 02, 2020

Someone should just cancel me so I can leave social media.
on July 02, 2020

I like how part of my hair is turning green while the other part is staying blue. I'm going to be getting it professionally dyed sometime this month (maybe).
on July 02, 2020

I got home 2 hours ago and I'm still being harassed by my cat. I love her so much.
on July 02, 2020

on July 02, 2020

Brother: -throws outside cat at me and it scratches me-
Me: Well not get me the Hydrogen Peroxide
Brother: Why?
Me: You threw a cat at me that belongs outside, who roams OUTSIDE and gets into stuff OUTSIDE and it cut me and I'm bleeding. Are you seriously asking me why you need to get me something to disinfect a f'ucking scratch!
Me: Well not get me the Hydrogen Peroxide
Brother: Why?
Me: You threw a cat at me that belongs outside, who roams OUTSIDE and gets into stuff OUTSIDE and it cut me and I'm bleeding. Are you seriously asking me why you need to get me something to disinfect a f'ucking scratch!
on July 02, 2020