on December 15, 2017

Iris17 asked a question

Is Ice cold? Most students (and many adults too) think that the hand feels cold because...
on November 29, 2017

hey, friends sorry i haven't been on lately. I have been busy with school also I'm sick:((
on October 23, 2017

Iris17 asked a question

Why do people cheat? I see no point in cheating(Relationship). I think it stupid that s...
on October 11, 2017

Hey guys this is Crimson16. I was locked out of my account so I made a new one

Omg Crimson something like that happened to me to but what I did was I found my account in the comments section pressed on it and pressed the sign in button and typed my password and email I was logged back in again.
on September 24, 2017
on September 18, 2017