I was just stalking you(sorry) and noticed that anytime you'd reach 2000 followers

:D I've made a promise when I reach the 2k as well!
on June 23, 2017
on June 23, 2017

Hi Qfeast! I'm soo sorry I haven't been on. It's been like forever... Feels so nostalgic
on February 05, 2017

on October 01, 2016

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was CadanceCrystal
on September 10, 2016

on September 10, 2016

My username needs to be changed but I have no idea what I should have. I just noticed after 5 days, somebody tell me
on August 20, 2016

on August 11, 2016
on August 10, 2016

I think my News Feed is going Steven Universe crazy xD

It's coz they are the crystal gems.
They're just Stronger than you.
And won't let me try to be in the fandoms.
I'm so sorry XD
They're just Stronger than you.
And won't let me try to be in the fandoms.
I'm so sorry XD
on August 09, 2016
on August 09, 2016

Rachel deleted her account. ;; She was such an awesome friend. :(

on August 08, 2016
on August 08, 2016

Happy 400!

on August 07, 2016
on August 07, 2016

400 Followers? Nice. Thanks!
on August 07, 2016

Just listened to "Loser Like Me".. Just getting mad with that Kawaii Voice xD
on August 06, 2016

7 more followers~
on August 04, 2016

Thanks for following!
on August 04, 2016

School is back!!! :0

@PrincessLuna1 Is it strange that I feel lazy when school starts and sad before summer holidays? XDDDD
on July 31, 2016
on July 31, 2016