I am starting to think that Qfeast contest stuff looks like a notification.
on July 22, 2016

on July 20, 2016

I drew Twilight Sparkle.. It looks awfuller than a Bulldog
Oh. Hmmm.... you can add some teeth under? That will probably make it look more evil. XD
on July 16, 2016

on July 16, 2016
on July 15, 2016
on July 15, 2016

I haven't to you talked..
I have just stalked..
Welcome back!! :D
I have just stalked..
Welcome back!! :D
on July 15, 2016

InsaneSpaghetti uploaded a photo
Posted on Deviantart by my sister in the account meltebrony.. Drawn by mee for someone

on July 14, 2016

on July 14, 2016

I just noticed and got 400 followers on Quøtev. How kind, and guess what, a person who joined two months ago now has 1000 something followers!!!
on July 14, 2016

I am not only the one with a fake account on Quøtev . @iFunTheSlyOne is there too??? Nice..
on July 13, 2016

I am moving to Quuooteevv for a few days.
on July 12, 2016

Like and you are a member of the "No family" Community in Qfeast
on July 11, 2016

Didn't think about mlp stuff.. I can't watch due to Qfeast business DX
on July 10, 2016
on July 10, 2016

#1 Qfeaster of the day??? Thanks
on July 10, 2016
on July 10, 2016
on July 10, 2016

@CadanceCrystal the genius knows most of your real names
@Princess_Twilight (Twilight Sparkle)
@Breann.west.5 (Bree)
@Lillypad354 (Lily)
@SmolBeanie696 (R'ena)
@Kukiku_x_Shadow (Rachel)
@Atsuko_Maeda_15th_Acchan (Jackie) See More
@Queen_of_Narnia (Katherine)
@Rebel_Fangirl (Jasmine)
@GirlsDeMo (Ellen)
@TheAnimeKitty (Rozelle M T)
@SoulOfTheWolves (Bridgette Roselle)
Haha I am a proud stalker. (Sorry, I didn't call any real names to any of you, I just listed a few stuff)
@Princess_Twilight (Twilight Sparkle)
@Breann.west.5 (Bree)
@Lillypad354 (Lily)
@SmolBeanie696 (R'ena)
@Kukiku_x_Shadow (Rachel)
@Atsuko_Maeda_15th_Acchan (Jackie) See More
@Queen_of_Narnia (Katherine)
@Rebel_Fangirl (Jasmine)
@GirlsDeMo (Ellen)
@TheAnimeKitty (Rozelle M T)
@SoulOfTheWolves (Bridgette Roselle)
Haha I am a proud stalker. (Sorry, I didn't call any real names to any of you, I just listed a few stuff)
on July 09, 2016
on July 09, 2016

on July 07, 2016

Like if you enjoyed "Finding Dory". Dislike if you prefer Nemo. :( if you hate both.

on July 04, 2016

on July 04, 2016
on July 04, 2016

Thanks for still not unfollowing me. Not many people do.
on July 01, 2016
on June 30, 2016

Thanks for the follow.. It was unexpected XD
on June 29, 2016