Homestucker asked a question

Which Timelord From Doctor Who Is Everyone's Favorite? Mine is the 10th! :D
on January 15, 2013


on January 22, 2013

I can't D: DX
on January 18, 2013

if u can talk on that
on January 17, 2013

i will tell u on messanger
on January 17, 2013

Not weird! What's your first name (THATS ALL) I might know you.
on January 17, 2013
on January 14, 2013

You know that feeling where someone breaks up with you, and you feel this uncomfortable lump in your throat, and you tear up? And then somebody asks you what's wrong and you start bawling? Yeah, I get that a lot.
on January 14, 2013

Hwy what's up?

on January 12, 2013

Awesome!! Cool, so just wondering you do anything else than video games?? LOL:)
on January 12, 2013
on January 12, 2013