Oh. My. Fluffen'. god. how do you get your gosh darn compter NOT to crash when your doing digital art?! I literally just lost another drawing! at least I only spent 30 minutes on this one... sry for that small rant

I wish
on June 30, 2020

electronics suck with digital art. thats why i use a program that autosaves
on June 30, 2020
on June 30, 2020

whenever I take whatever "Hogwarts house you'll be in" quiz, I alway get Slytherin. this was based off what clothes I wear, and I still got Slytherin, so I don't know how that works
on June 30, 2020

Hillo added a photo to the starred list
thanks for overshadowing real problems. ? this isn’t a joke y’all wtf

on June 30, 2020

Oh, my gosh I just lost a digital drawing that I spent the past 2 1/2 hours on!!! WWWHHHYYYYY?!?!?!?

I literally finished coloring and shading it!! THIS I why I don't do digital art!!! I fluffen' HATE this!
on June 29, 2020
on June 29, 2020

on June 29, 2020

Also if you guys want to see so of my other art I have a Queeky acount:https://www.queeky.com/artist/hillo And thanks to @ToriTheShark because I found out about Queeky through her acount!
on June 29, 2020

sorry I haven't uploaded anything I've been screwing around with digital art
on June 28, 2020

Kritter Klub official animal rescue Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6zbH1Z4G32bBV9wyK6ikPA
on June 27, 2020

on June 27, 2020

Hey does anyone know why I can't make my nightmare fuel page public?

i couldn't make certain polls public only profile because it said it ws too personal? maybe its the same i don't know
on June 27, 2020
on June 27, 2020