Smokey Eye look fits you. You're that dark bold person that will use trendy and latest cool look. You can go to the parties and clubs with this look. You'll look so much older and awesome.
Name: Leiko Age: 13 Personality: Tough and Strong Extras: She kicks butt whenever someone annoys her Quote: People don't know this world's truth but I do
Congrats! I like you!And i might follow you if you post what you got! Dont lie though...i hate liers... And we can be good friends and probley best friends! XD
Orange represents bravery! The common phrase for this soul is "Keep moving". This is because, in the game, you have to move through orange lasers to continue. And if you don't move, then you'll lose health. Overall, you are a courageous person, who does let fear break their solid dome of bravery.