Which dark personality do you have? (1) Which dark personality do you have deep down inside you that makes everyone scared of you when your angry. Enjoy! rosekathrine95 published on June 15, 2016 Stacked 1/7 What your Favorite color? Blue ? Black? All Dark Colors ? All light colors? Purple? 2/7 What are you scared of the most? Spiders ? Death? Nothing..? Heights? Fangirls? planes? 3/7 What's your favorite animal? Wolf ? Cat? All sneaky animal? All animal that bite people? Hahahahaha! Dogs? Non of them i hate animals! Snakes. 4/7 What weapon would you choose if their was a demon apocalypses? Gun? Knife? Sword? Salt? I don't need weapons i have my hands? Angels. We are doomed! 5/7 Best revenge to put on someone? Trick them with your clever mind? Make something out of poison? Fake smile and walk away with a evil plan up your sleeve? Kill them? revenge? Kill them with kindness. 6/7 What do you hate the most? People being annoying? Murders? People thinking they have more power than you do? Donald Trump. Everybody.. 7/7 What's your favorite thing to do? Killing people! dancing? Singing? Pulling pranks? Saving people.