Harley_Quinn_Jokers_love asked a question
What is your favourite song? (3) What would be your favourite, the song can be from any...
on September 19, 2016

Harley_Quinn_Jokers_love asked a question
If you were to become a president, what country would you rule and why? Sometimes it wo...
on August 30, 2016

Harley_Quinn_Jokers_love asked a question

Who bought the new Harry Potter book? A new book Harry Potter and the cursed child came...
on August 08, 2016

Harley_Quinn_Jokers_love asked a question
Who is your celebrity crush? (1) Write in the comments below who is you celebrity crush...
on July 19, 2016

Harley_Quinn_Jokers_love asked a question

Are you excited for the new Harry Potter book and movie announcement (Harry Potter and ...
on June 30, 2016

Harley_Quinn_Jokers_love asked a question
How many Youtuber do you know? List all the youtubers you know and then I will create a...
on May 09, 2016

Harley_Quinn_Jokers_love asked a question
How is James Bond better than Harry Potter? I just struggle to think why people think t...
on March 24, 2016

Harley_Quinn_Jokers_love asked a question
Would you rather know when you will die or how you will die? This question will also ma...
on March 13, 2016

Harley_Quinn_Jokers_love asked a question
Would you rather have all farts be silent but EXTREMELY deadly, or all farts be harmles...
on March 13, 2016