Hanuel added a new chapter to Unpopular Kpop Opinions

Produce 101 is Stupid
Come at me if you want I think Produce 101 is a stupid show. It does really well promoting the members and their permanent groups after the season but other than that it’s just really stupid. Why can’t the groups be permanent. I can’t get into a group if they’re only going to be around for a year because when the groups done the members leave and go back to their original groups which means I now have to mass stan like 10 new groups and I’m too lazy for that. It just seems kinda stupid to me ...
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on August 08, 2018

Hanuel added a new chapter to Unpopular Kpop Opinions

Female Rappers
(Kinda like P.T. 2)
I wish we had more serious female rappers in the kpop industry that were like really into rapping and gave it their heart and soul. I see male rappers like Zico and B.I. give their rapping everything they have and they’re good at it. I feel like rapping has just been pawned off onto the female singers with the weaker voice out of the group but I’d love to see a female rapper act and sound just like Jay Park, GD and all the other famous rappers as well as giving them a run ... Read Full Chapter
I wish we had more serious female rappers in the kpop industry that were like really into rapping and gave it their heart and soul. I see male rappers like Zico and B.I. give their rapping everything they have and they’re good at it. I feel like rapping has just been pawned off onto the female singers with the weaker voice out of the group but I’d love to see a female rapper act and sound just like Jay Park, GD and all the other famous rappers as well as giving them a run ... Read Full Chapter
on August 07, 2018