
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You are Jeff The Killer
You are Jeff The Killer
You are Jeff The Killer because You have gotten beating up before. And You don't show anymore emotion all You do is kill and Not think once what might happen. And You like getting revenge on the behalf of your family or who ever was or is close to You.
on December 18, 2014
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Mr. Slendy
Mr. Slendy
you both live in the woods and talk very much, you like to stalk pewdpie when he plays slender the arrival you spend your free time writing notes and posting them on trees and you wait for for some to come and start picking the notes off the trees and you get super piss and chase the person down and when you catch him or her you rip his or hers face off
on December 18, 2014
About Author
on December 18, 2014
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
your pretty insane
your pretty insane
You've shown that you are insane enough to join the creepypasta group we'll have your creepypasta name up on the creepypasta board by when ever we want to put up don't question us
on December 18, 2014
About Author
on December 18, 2014
About Author
You're one of them
You're one of them
They really like you!! You are so evil and twisted, and you like to kill people, so they have let you into the Creepypastas. You are one of their top killers, and you bring in a full basket of organs for Silver every night.
Here's what they think of you:

Slenderman: She likes nature, and faceless dudes...
Jeff: She likes knives....I like her
Ben: She beats me at video games, but she helped me kill Jadusable...
Lost Silver: I like her curried organs recipe....hmmm
on December 18, 2014
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they love you!
they love you!
Slendy: you are coming with us to be your creepy self , I suppose.
Jeffery: I may like you , don't get on my bad side!
Smile: *lick*
on December 18, 2014
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found bloody and helpless ( yeah right ) bandaged and restored to your almost beautiful self before you ruthlessly killed them
real name: (bloody) mary
weapon : dagger
on December 18, 2014
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added a personality quiz to the favorite list
your creepypasta

your creepypasta

on December 18, 2014
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otays XD
Jeff The Killer
Jeff The Killer
you always have a smile on your face and you put people asleep forever and you are beautiful
on December 18, 2014
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