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Comments (17)

Last words to Flutter~ I wasn't hinting at him to deactivate but hey, that works too. And it's much easier to do than admitting to your mistakes and sincerely apologizing like I was planning to tell him.

And now he's back on DA, to no doubt through a fit and lie about how he was "chased off qfeast". Good thing I have him blocked on there too.

@xXShivaChanXx Oh yes I just saw~ I hope he doesn't try to pull that~ Two wrongs don't make a right as he likes to say.
on September 13, 2015
on September 13, 2015
on September 13, 2015
Exactly! I have a close friend who has aspergers and severe anxiety. He's on the edge of autism but he's super intelligent. He says that he's so imperfect with talking and just living a "normal" life, that he puts all his thought into art, grammar, and spelling. He says it helps him feel more put together than he feels, especially See More since he's an internet geek and he loves to write. So if you can do it and he can do it, then Flutter can do it.
On a side note, while on the topic of your name, how do you pronounce it?? In my head I hear it as "she" "va"
Oh and here's my stash~ It's mostly everything he was whining about~ http://sta.sh/2k93ugu06tf?edit=1