on April 21, 2015

Aaaaaand. I'm stuck already. ON. THE. F'ING. TITLE!!!!! THE TITLE!!!!!!! WTFFFFFFFX-(

on April 10, 2015
on April 10, 2015

*sigh* Here we go... Come to me, imagination! Please..?:(
on April 10, 2015

I'm thinking of writing a fanfic... What do you guys think..?:-&

Welp. My creativity is flowing!!!! ... Only if I was thinking about the ship at hand... *tries thinking about Karezi and not... whatever the f that other thing was...*
on April 10, 2015
on April 09, 2015

Best Matesprit ever, I do have! <3
on April 09, 2015

The more and more I read them, the more and more I love it. Fanfics, man. Faaaaanfiiiics.
on April 09, 2015