on September 18, 2017

Glitterburn created a poll
Which Myths of Coloktor Character is your favorite? (In order of Introduction)
on September 18, 2017

Glitterburn added a new chapter to Disproving
Fat Acceptance/Beauty Standards
Just because there are standards does not mean you need to follow them. The only thing I think you should do is stay fit. Fat acceptance is death acceptance and no one accepts death. "B-B-B-But it's impossible to stay skinny. Gah" 7/10 girls are skinny so no it's not impossible and if you wouldn't eat so f*cking much you wouldn't "W-W-Well I have an eating disorder" Good for you. Deal with it.
Read Full Chapter
on September 17, 2017

Glitterburn added a new chapter to Disproving
Black Lives Matter
Now I'm not saying Black Lives Don't Matter but the Black Lives Matter is total bullshit. Cops don't attack black people for sport. Studies show that cops shoot more Caucasians than African Americans as well as most African American Deaths are caused by other African Americans. Do I really need to address anything else?
Read Full Chapter
on September 15, 2017

Glitterburn asked a question

Does anyone know what anime this is? I'm very curious because my friends showed this pi...
on September 11, 2017

I don't know why I'm posting this on here. NO one on this site likes me but whatever. Today I lost my childhood friend and my best friend. They betrayed me and hurt me. I'm not sure if I can live without them. I'm having trouble deciding whether or not to move on, but I don't know if I can. THose two were so important to me, and it doesn't help that my boyfriend had broken up with me yesterday. Now I have no one and I feel like there's no point in life. No one would truly miss See More me. EVeryone can easily move on. Anyways that's pretty much all I wanted to type. Lol XD anyways that's all.
on September 05, 2017

Glitterburn asked a question
Does anyone know when Simon Cowell first started on America's Got Talent? I'm very curious
on August 31, 2017

on August 23, 2017

Glitterburn asked a question
What rights do men have that women don't? ((Important: Read the description)) Okay I kn...
on August 23, 2017

Okay so recently NetNobody (A retired Minecraft youtuber previously known as Sky) dropped a distrack on KSI. And roasted the shit out of him XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znshlGfjcU0 I have the link so you can watch it. F*cking KSI got destroyed XD

NetNobody "DISS TRACK ED" - KSI Diss Track (Official Music Video)
I sure hope i didn't disappoint my lord and savior KSI. http://www.soundcloud.com/netnobody
on August 23, 2017

on August 14, 2017