if one more thing goes wrong this week i am going to stab someone
on August 05, 2022

on August 04, 2022

i'm literally the main character's best friend help?
on August 03, 2022

my 4yr old cousin doesn't even know my name he calls me by what my aunt calls me for a nickname
on August 03, 2022

on August 03, 2022

Ok serious important question
So i know that quizzes are not always accurate nor should be used as a professional/medical tool, though some can be
And from one's I've taken over the past like 3 years, all of them have scored high for autism
So like should I ask if we could try to test me fkr it or like should I not
Since my sister is getting tested for adhd that just might be what it is but at the same time I don't think so
So like should I ask to get tested for it?? I can definitely See More tell some traits in my sister and mom but neither of them are diagnosed but like
So i know that quizzes are not always accurate nor should be used as a professional/medical tool, though some can be
And from one's I've taken over the past like 3 years, all of them have scored high for autism
So like should I ask if we could try to test me fkr it or like should I not
Since my sister is getting tested for adhd that just might be what it is but at the same time I don't think so
So like should I ask to get tested for it?? I can definitely See More tell some traits in my sister and mom but neither of them are diagnosed but like

Ironically I think I have adhd or add because I keep seeing videos on tiktok like "what it's like living with adhd" and I do literally all of those things-
Plus online tests
Plus my brother has adhd
Plus online tests
Plus my brother has adhd
on August 03, 2022
on August 03, 2022

on August 03, 2022

I did it.
I used my name rther than my deadname at starbucks.
I did it.
I used my name rther than my deadname at starbucks.
on August 02, 2022

if it werent for a social 5yr old me at church watching a 13yr old girl play fnaf 1 i would have no clue fnaf existed

which word is supposed to be device-
im sorry i just woke up, ill see if i can fix it but i doubt it's anything related it probably just had a slow loading because how long it was
im sorry i just woke up, ill see if i can fix it but i doubt it's anything related it probably just had a slow loading because how long it was
on August 01, 2022

Josh said can you delete the longest beep story,cause he clicked on it and it stopped his loading time?
on August 01, 2022
on August 01, 2022

ok ima make those types of quizzes until i finish another big quiz im working on so what song should i do next
on August 01, 2022

45% of yall thought i was gonna trick ya, not this time i was nice but you fell fool anyways
on August 01, 2022

i understand im a fast typer but if it takes me one minute to type a paragraph and you 15 minutes for four words im going to kill soeone
on July 31, 2022