HI i got one of my friends on here bc I was challenged and took it as an indirect dare and they agreed. Meet @TheDumb1

i followed
on December 08, 2022
on December 08, 2022

also remember my "I hope I wake up tomorrow immediately good at drawing people in the style I want to?" I can now in pixel art. suddenly
on December 08, 2022
on December 07, 2022

waiting for the day someone says to someone else "you don't have the balls to do anything" and then the someone else just takes a bunch of bouncy balls out of their pockets and throws them at the someone
on December 07, 2022

I hope I wake up tomorrow immediately good at drawing people in the style I want to
on December 07, 2022

Wait I should try to make my own creepypasta character except every original idea is taken
on December 07, 2022

"What did you find scary during your time playing d&d?"
The fact that whenever I told my DM my character's backstory he MUMBLED "I could do something with that"
The fact that whenever I told my DM my character's backstory he MUMBLED "I could do something with that"

not to mention where his backstory is located is literally NEXT TO the town we're in, and Pine has a side quest tasked to kill the main person in Veldani's story
on December 07, 2022
on December 07, 2022

Hi guys should I attempt getting one of my school friends on here

on December 08, 2022
on December 06, 2022

so apparently my friend's friend got arrested today for something, not sure what but most likely some type of assault
on December 06, 2022

I've come to brag about the fact my school has a coffee shop inside of it that's actually decent and because I made honors roll this semester I get a cookie on them that I can use before the end of December
on December 06, 2022

english teacher:
"make sure to minimize fidgeting in the speech and maintain eye contact, make sure you speak loudly too"
me, the literal opposite of being capable of all of those at the same time:
"make sure to minimize fidgeting in the speech and maintain eye contact, make sure you speak loudly too"
me, the literal opposite of being capable of all of those at the same time:
on December 03, 2022

GhostyToesty asked a question
Does anyone have any tips for giving speeches hhh II have to do so many speeches this y...
on December 03, 2022

on December 03, 2022

guys..my dad just came back..with the milk..from the store
on December 02, 2022

dear fbi agent watching me, yes i like d&d, no i don't want merch of it. also, please stop tempting me with dice and all the ads for it. i went from 1 bday/crhistimas present idea for myself to it's 1% a laptop, 1% clothes and all d&d stuff
on December 02, 2022

guys is uh hot cocoa supposed to sizzle inside the mug, after it's been through the whole hot cocoa process thing
on November 30, 2022

on November 30, 2022