love the fact my GM made possibly an accidental ur mom joke that became canon in our campaign
on February 08, 2023
So apparently I have autism, but also a disorder mostly said to be similar but lacking autistic patterns??
on February 07, 2023
on February 07, 2023
Oh to have a masculine face and head shape and body type and dick but it's fine I'll grow out of it it hasn't been over 3 years
on February 07, 2023
personal life update bc qfeast was down and im mentally unstable
-had my first ambulance ride, ended up at psych hospital
-learned a shit tone of questionable quotes
-started reading again
-had my first ambulance ride, ended up at psych hospital
-learned a shit tone of questionable quotes
-started reading again
on February 06, 2023
reminder to self: wake up mother at 3
on January 21, 2023
on January 21, 2023
doing the exact thing i learned today someone died from!
on January 21, 2023
on January 21, 2023
Yeah, I see that point. I'm gonna guess a reasonable reason the family won was a- it literally killed someone and 2- it was a stupid idea in general
on January 21, 2023
on January 21, 2023
on January 21, 2023
on January 20, 2023
i keep forgetting this exists even though i have it PINNED
anyway I'm more active on tumblr so go there if you want to interact w me ^^
anyway I'm more active on tumblr so go there if you want to interact w me ^^
on January 19, 2023
on January 16, 2023
TIL I was advanced in most of my elementary classes, except math(whcih i was only for kindergarten and 1st grade lmao)
on January 16, 2023
woo no school today
on January 16, 2023
on January 16, 2023
signed up to tour a school program thing, basically a trade school for the frist half of the day and then going back to your home school for core classes
on January 16, 2023
*tries to make Ben drowned in gacha*
*accidentally ends up with the shit version of almight*
*accidentally ends up with the shit version of almight*
on January 15, 2023
"what's cookin', GhostyToesty?"(<- Discord when i type my status) The burning boiling flesh, blood, and bones of the previously whiny kids i turn into stew.
on January 13, 2023