GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Sasuke x sakura change of heart
Love ending
Rank up you go stronger than me naruto says to him well I think your my enemy two I was jellois of how people liked you made friends so easily sasuke says but I reaslsed we are friends sasuke says am glad your my friend sasuke sasuke started to cry uhh don't mind me am just glad I have a friend sasuke says naruto sasuke omg your hurt sakura ran two you let me help you I heal you sakura am sorry for everything sasuke says you better be sakura crys sasuke holds sakuras hand many years later we ...
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on December 14, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Sasuke x sakura change of heart
Naruto vs sasuke
Yout all apart of who I want to kill frit of I will kill you naruto I throw sakura to the floor but kakashi grabs her you don't haven't to do this sasuke you don't have to destroy the village naruto says were friends don't fight were not friends o have no friends sasuke hisses only to kill. My friends if your my friend prepared to die he gets out his sword I really don't wanna fight a friend sasuke charges at naruto stops the sword stop this naruto says as he looks in your eyes your nothing l...
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on December 12, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Sasuke x sakura change of heart
Naruto wss right
Naruto was right you are a monster you shouldn't have saved me sasuke was about to hit you we have intruders sir uhh kill the intruders right away sasuke says I will deal with you later stay there sasuke leaves I can't stay here I need to escape I get up as much pain am in I don't care three a window yey I open the window and gi though it I should be safe I run for it as fast as I can I bump into someone I look up it's kakashi sakura what are you doing out here he looks at you well I was sen...
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on December 12, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Sasuke x sakura change of heart
Mystery person saved me
He throws one in my arm uhh I can't go down like this I punch him with my right arm the numb sension uhh I fall down he comes towards me time to die he says you see him get stabbed by a sword a long sword black hair black eyes white robes so fuzzy uhh I blacked out I wake up in a cave where am I say I get up but faced with pain uhh I lay back down sakura what are you doing here you see the figure emerging from the darkness it is sasuke is that you I cough you didn't answer my question why are...
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on December 12, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Sasuke x sakura change of heart
Naruto anyoing me
Where are you going naruto stops you on a mission a secret mission I can't tell you it's my task I haven't to do it on my own am strong enough to fight my own battles don't worry naruto I will be back soon he looks sad well don't be to long he walks away am sorry naruto but if you found out I was going to kill sasuke you wouldn't of let me uhh I run ahead and see a person stop me he had a black Cape and red on it who are you I looked at the mystery person me am gara he says and we don't have ...
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on December 12, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Sasuke x sakura change of heart
Dammit sasuke
You wake up on a bench how did I get here oh Yeh sasuke knocked me out but why I thought we had something I guess not naruto comes running to you tunsema wants you now it's a mission ok I follow naruto to tunsema office I open the door lady what is this mission you want me for I look at her she looks down sasuke has went rouge you haven't to kill him before he kills more people remember sasuke is bad he won't show mercy to no one not even you fine I will kill him I say sadly I don't want to k...
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on December 12, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Sasuke x sakura change of heart
Sasuke leaves
Sasuke leaves his seat I wonder where he's going maybe I should follow him yes sneaky sakura go I get up and follow sasuke until he leaves the gate to the village where is he going is he leaving he can't sasuke where are you going I look at him with a sad face am leaving the village I want to get stronger I can't if am here I need power dark power he says in a demoic way he looks at me his Red eyes buring though my eyes you can't leave what am I going to do without out you I love you sasuke ...
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on December 10, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Dark link x reader his darkness
Love revoiun
Dark I want to tell you something very important I torch his check yes what is it he looks confused uhh when you kidnapped I hated you so much but I got to now the good side of you I changed you to a loving human who I love so much am saying I love you I kiss him showing how much I love him I love you to so much and will you marry me he pulls out a rING omg yes am so happy he finally noticed I love him and want ti marry him on yes I will marry you I cry hey don't cry you have me he says he sm...
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on December 09, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Dark link x reader his darkness
Dark I look at you is that you I say no am not here am just in your imagination am here because you love him so much your heart is pure with love for him that pure heart can save you do you want to get out and see your lover he says yes if it's to be with dark yes I lover him so much I say good he then comes to me and kisses me you black out and WAKE up in a altair uhh what happened to me I don't remember no time I need to see dark I need to tell him how I feel I get up and walk down stairs a...
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on December 09, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Dark link x reader his darkness
Dark piit's me on a atair with follwes on three he puts one flower on me a rose for how pretty you are he kisses you one last time farewell my love he leaves link holds my hand I will always remember you my friend am sorry for killing you and for being a coward he says I hope you don't hate me he then leaves I wake up In darkness uhh where am I your in darkness that you can escape if your heart is pure is it pure that's for you to find out the figure I see it clearly it's dark
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on December 09, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Dark link x reader his darkness
Dark links pov I wake up to yep link my enemy I look to the side she was asleep I kiss her cheek I love you I get up its time to die link he walks outside dark link looks with a harted towards each other dark charged at link with his sword he swomg his sword stop I scream the blade goes through my stomach uhh I fall down dark holds me tight I can't lose you why did you do this he says tearing up because I love you so much dark I kiss his cheek and can you stop this fight be friends for me bot...
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on December 09, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Dark link x reader his darkness
Link why
Where is she uhh she us kidnapped where could that monster took her I punch the wall calm down a female figure aproved me I think I now where your friend is the girl says and why would you help me he looks at her oh don't worry she's my sister and am princess zelda she says your her sister gee why hasn't she said anthing about you he says is she really roses sister I don't quite believe her but I need to save rose she's in danger where is she he says follow me she grabs my hand and takes you ...
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on December 09, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Dark link x reader his darkness
Sex last part
Yes cum deep inside my pussy yes get me pregnant I say he bits me hard ahh shit he grunts and cum inside you deep in your womb he pulls out he kisses me I love you rose I've always loved you why not have a kid together he says yes I want a child with you I say to him oh and I love you to I say shouldn't we sleep he says oh yes am tried night he says
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on December 08, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Dark link x reader his darkness
Sex part 2 creampie
Ok he grabs my boobs pinching them while suckling the other this was torture he sucks my left boob and playing with my right boob I moan ahh I yes he goes down to my pussy he rubs me so good I moan and inside me mm I moan yes he then rubs my clit and fingers me deeper and faster ahh shit I moan am gonna cum I say he pulls out not now I want you to cum on my pussy ok baby time for the real fun he rammed into you with fall speed going deeper inside me ahh shit he grunts yes he goes way faster ...
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on December 08, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Dark link x reader his darkness
I really do love you he says will you have sex with me he says as you can tell I have a hard on he says oh you mean this I grab your dick yes he grunts let me start of let me make you horny he says nope don't think so let me start with this I suck his dick this time he gulped rose I deepthoarting him way deeper than before feeling myself go faster and a lot harder shit am gonna cum he grunts I suck faster and harder shit he grunts as you feel him cum inside you deep in my mouth mm I suck you ...
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on December 08, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Dark link x reader his darkness
Hello dear a mystery girl comes towards me he's mine you can't have hin your not pretty your ugly ew gross she slaps you hard bitch she then holds me by the neck die she thows against the wall stop right three jane it's been a long time I say do you love me dark cos I love you she says oh yes I love you he says coming towards her he hugs her goodbye bitch he says and stabs jane in the stomach why jane says before here last breach was talking because I like someone else he says and looks at yo...
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on December 08, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Dark link x reader his darkness
Breakfast pancakes
Yes its what am here for I go to the kicken and put the eggs in the pan and butter ahh that should do you feel something hit my head I scream in pain I torch my head blood dark came rushing in are you ok he holds your shoulder you hold the pain yes am fine I just triped I say ok then go back to work you have my room to clean he then leaves I need frist aid for my arm where is the medication it hasn't to be here somewhere maybe in this secrt room yes you go in the room it was dark as he'll you...
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on December 08, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Dark link x reader his darkness
His darkness
You wake up in a bed you get up what happened my head dammit it a maid comes in my room she was pretty blonde hair red eyes I was out of her league what are you looking at am only hear to wash you in the bath you smell she says a bath now it's so late I say no its not its ok she grabs you towards the bath goodbye bitch she says and holds my head under I struggle to breach someone help me dark I say dark smashed the door down while he was shirtless gee can I girl get some privacy I blush and t...
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on December 08, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Dark link x reader his darkness
You mate as well make stew you put the carrots in the pot and meat and potoas you leave them to cook for a hour you take the food and put it on the plate I hope he likes it I giggle i pick up the plate and take it to dark and put it on the table I hope you like it I say he tastes my food this is really good he says and eats the rest am glad you like it I say you can go now you eat as well go on eat I won't watch he says he laughs when you eat the food weirdly your so cute he says to me give m...
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on December 07, 2018