GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Ben drowned x reader x dark link my lovers
Sleep with me
You blush he then nips your ear he then walked to his bed night he says to me what just happened uhh no I can't like the guy I hardly know him uhh not now I need to go to sleep and blow thus over you get in your new purple bed night you say out loud not noticed a Creek a door opening you jolted up in fear who could it be I feel someone pin me down to the floor don't move the stranger says as his eyes leack red spills om you ben it's you I say scared he gets of ne ew gross he spits in your fac...
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on January 27, 2019

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Ben drowned x reader x dark link my lovers
Dark link roommate
Why don't you show her wear her room is slender says ok new blood follow me dark says we walk up the endless stars god these stars talk forever to get up I pout Yeh I now I just telloprt uo to.my room we all have different powers the powerful is duh slender man here but your dad is the strongest don't tell slender I said hes weak he looks at me oh I won't I laugh so your name is rose right dark looks at me yes it is Yeh slender man told me about you I think your cool he says uh ok I don't min...
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on January 27, 2019

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Ben drowned x reader x dark link my lovers
Doesn't like me
Well I don't like her he huffs and tellorports away uhh well you now ben means we'll dont worry the rest are quite well nice they will love you am sure now follow me to my house ok you make it to his house he opened the door people started staring at you who is this a girl with black hair and white clothing oh she's zalgos daughter he says his what when did you became so nice to our enemy's it was ben yet again ben stop it leave her alone zalgo and slender are good friends now stop this bad p...
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on January 27, 2019

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Ben drowned x reader x dark link my lovers
You felt a hand grabs you filmy you look at this young man blonde hair green tunic he looked like link no he can't be link has no red eye's who is this boy thank you I say to him oh sorry for the bad introduction am ben drowned and you are rose I say to him so she's zalgos daughter uhh great so I can kil her my arge enemy yes he push me on the tree and ties me up ben what are you doing her face is so incocent no I must kill her yes I grab my sword and points it at your thoart ben stop this ma...
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on January 27, 2019

I can't wait till kingdom hearts 3 comes out am excited am sorry I haven't wrote in a long time I will make a ben drowned x reader
on January 27, 2019

Merry Christmas
on December 21, 2018

I love hot anime men three cuter than real men I love dark link he's my hottest guy
on December 20, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Xion x riku his light
Getting a heart
I love you riku you look at him I really do you love me he says I love you two he holds my hand will you be my girlfriend he says nevous uhh yes sure I say yey he kisses me holdung ne down he pins me down we had sex the next morning best sex ever I kiss his check Yeh you were good I love you riku so much I say I cuddle up to him I peck his check so what now I look at him yes your heart I almost forgot uhh he goes and gets the heart are you sure you want to forget kari I look AT HIM no I don't...
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on December 16, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Xion x riku his light
I love you riku
Wait riku stop uhh he left what should I do I say riku pov she doesn't now what's she's saying she needs a heart to experience love pain happyness she wouldn't love me without a heart speaking of a heart bingo I found someone I laugh evil I sneak behind him and ripe out his heart he falls to the ground what have you done I look at riku in horror that was a inconcent man he had a life you just took it away from him so what if I don't have a heart I still love you riku
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on December 15, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Xion x riku his light
Uhh your squeezing me tight riku I can't breathe I choke out oh sorry he let's go of the akward hugs me riku for some reason kisses my cheek my hold body shock with happy
Why did you kiss me I look at him he took my hands I uhh like you xion and I can't kill you screw kari memory I want you to have a heart for a change don't you want that yes I do but where do I get one I say from any human we kil it won't be hard for you to kill a human you do wanna heart don't you then kill someone I look ... Read Full Chapter
Why did you kiss me I look at him he took my hands I uhh like you xion and I can't kill you screw kari memory I want you to have a heart for a change don't you want that yes I do but where do I get one I say from any human we kil it won't be hard for you to kill a human you do wanna heart don't you then kill someone I look ... Read Full Chapter
on December 15, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Xion x riku his light
Adventure of love
Shouldn't we be going now he says uhh Yeh I've never felt anthing like this I feel my heart throbs what's going on is it love humans call it yes it's love I love riku are you coming our what he says yes I get up snd walk out the door so how old are you riku I look at him uhh me 15 years old he says happily uhh so young for fighting I say your the same age as me xion nobody or not your still 15 years old he grumbles ahh your hungry I laugh this time I brought food this time I get a cholate bar...
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on December 14, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Xion x riku his light
Liking xion
Have I look at him so you are kari he torches my cheek you look just like her your her over half he says am her what uhh is he telling the truth I guess my memory isn't mine so he needs to save kari he does care about me and kari I laugh he looks at me why you laughing uhh no reason I fall back on your bed onto you he catching you are you ok his lips were close to yours you blush hey your buring up are you ok he asked again yes am fine now I say shouldn't we be on our adventure you do want yo...
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on December 14, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Xion x riku his light
Of me and kari and sora just remembered the good times we have been though I go upstairs and lay her on my bed I torch her hair why do I care so much for this girl I don't even now her uhh I can't I sit on my chair maybe I should rest two I close my eyes and go two sleep xion pov I woke up in a unfamiliar room uhh what happened my head I look to my side it's riku sitting on the chair he looks cute I say wait he saved me right it had two be him yes I remember everything he did save me riku tha...
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on December 14, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Xion x riku his light
Thank you
For a girl he laughs don't laugh I eat womanly I hit him ahh that hurt I do one single thing and your hitting me uhh woman these days my nose starts to bleed em your nose is bleeding he looks confused I fall down and black out he grabs me I hope she's ok I better carry her I pick her up bridal style /fan girls screams lol/ least I now the way out I was just teasing her never would of done it if this happened gee I feel so bad did I cause her two black out uhh why do I care I only care about K...
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on December 14, 2018

GamerGirl11 added a new chapter to Xion x riku his light
Adventure together
You followed riku to a forest area uhh riku are we lost o look at him because we're going in circles she huffs we are not lost women stop complaining gee this way uhh why am I followimg a dimwit worst adventure ever growing my stomach eaches gee now am hungry great my belly rumbles again are you hungry by any chance dimwit if course am hungry and if you don't get me anything am going to eat you I angrily say ok ok don't be scary gee your worser than kari when she's hungry I will find you food...
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on December 14, 2018