You're a Qfeaster Of The Day today haha

Lmao as if ? I haven’t done anything!
on May 31, 2023
on May 31, 2023

I saw someone a while ago express that they were concerned Qfeast was filling up with bots and I didn't think much of it but I keep finding quizzes that feel mass-produced and have little to do with the theme they present
Yeah I guess there are bots posting bad quizzes, or some kind of content farmer, but who would content farm on Qfeast?
Yeah I guess there are bots posting bad quizzes, or some kind of content farmer, but who would content farm on Qfeast?

@VinnyMcginny2112 That would make sense; I don't know who else would stand to benefit from them. They make them so bad no one would want to stay though.
on May 31, 2023

This might sound pretty stupid but I think it might be the people running Qfeast doing it. I have no evidence of course and this is just a hunch but hear me out. I believe it’s a method to get people to get to the site. How do you do that? Fill it up with a bunch of random quizzes that cover every topic under the sun. That way a wide net is cast and if anyone See More looks up, “so and so quiz about this topic,” there is a chance that the quizzes on Qfeast pop up. Ergo bringing more traffic to the site. It’s a bit far fetched but it’s the only explanation I can think of. Also yeah that was me who had mentioned bots in an earlier post.
on May 31, 2023
on May 31, 2023

on May 30, 2023

on May 29, 2023

on May 29, 2023

on May 29, 2023

All I could think of while making the model for Solio were the harem jokes early on LOL. Everyone thought Solio was sexy so we were joking about shipping him with everyone else in the party. Little did we know it'd actually be Zevryn of all people walking away from this adventure with a crowd of girlfriends haha

Actual ooc quotes
Me: Jacob is straight but even he must admit that Solio is a looker
Other player 1: So is spaghetti until you get it hot ;)
Other player 2: I think you mean hot and wet. I mean, if you put it to a flame you just get on-fire spaghetti
Me: Jacob is straight but even he must admit that Solio is a looker
Other player 1: So is spaghetti until you get it hot ;)
Other player 2: I think you mean hot and wet. I mean, if you put it to a flame you just get on-fire spaghetti
on May 28, 2023
on May 28, 2023

Citrine, the other candidate for party leader. Her sacrifice was not in vain.

on May 28, 2023

Yknow, I really like the theory that the queen is using the Xafrin missions as a way to dispose of undesirables. It explains why she kept sending citizens year after year instead of training up a select group of heros for the task, and why she chose a lot of the people she did. However, it does bring up questions for some of the party members. Like, why did she choose Jacob? As far as the government should know, he's just a hardworking human blacksmith. Did they know about his See More illegal activities? But if they did, why not just arrest him? Did they not have enough proof? And if they did know what he was doing, then they should know how the criminal underground works, but if they knew that why wouldn't they shut it down?
Then again, if the government understands how the organized crime in the country works, its easier for them to keep an eye on it... If they crack down too hard on the current system, then criminals will be forced to adapt and form a new system that they don't know, thus letting them operate largely unhindered. So maybe they do know about everything and just choose to let it operate as is so they can monitor it?
I guess there's also the possibility that someone with power didn't like Jacob and wanted him out of the way. Maybe the blacksmiths working with the guard felt he was stepping on their turf, or maybe Angelica did something for some reason. I don't know.
Or maybe the government didn't mark him as an "undesireable" and he's just a regular person who got thrown in with the rest of the group to avoid suspicion. Who knows? It is just a theory after all.
Then again, if the government understands how the organized crime in the country works, its easier for them to keep an eye on it... If they crack down too hard on the current system, then criminals will be forced to adapt and form a new system that they don't know, thus letting them operate largely unhindered. So maybe they do know about everything and just choose to let it operate as is so they can monitor it?
I guess there's also the possibility that someone with power didn't like Jacob and wanted him out of the way. Maybe the blacksmiths working with the guard felt he was stepping on their turf, or maybe Angelica did something for some reason. I don't know.
Or maybe the government didn't mark him as an "undesireable" and he's just a regular person who got thrown in with the rest of the group to avoid suspicion. Who knows? It is just a theory after all.

How do they choose people anyway? Because if the queen didn't have anything up her sleeve, we could say it's random. However, if we do follow the theory that she's targeting people she wants to get rid of... After all the queen can't personally in know and have beef with every Chosen, so how does she assess people's worth? How does she find and pick which nuisances See More to send? Does she have specific people in local areas that report on them? It raises so many questions, but the idea that she's not targeting people raises even more. Her choices don't seem very strategic, after all.
on May 28, 2023

On that note I also really want to know what Citrine wrote about him in her notebook but I'm not longer in contact with the only person who knows that information wbidbd
on May 28, 2023
on May 28, 2023

on May 27, 2023

I'm posting wayyyyy more than I usually do but I've found an outlet for my Xafrin obsession that isn't just daydreaming and re-reading stuff lol
on May 27, 2023