Freeze_Wintrian's Favorite Quizzes

Freeze_Wintrian has 11 quizzes marked as favorite
Which Engagement Ring Is Perfect For You?
Engagement rings are a symbol of love and should definitely match the wearer. Plan your wedding with me and I'll pick out the perfect engagement ring for you! (Just for fun!)
15 responses 0
Sonic wwffy (girls only!) 7
Ok so today is the mission, so last time it was Valentines day and you gave a cake to your crush and he gave you a necklace. Then he left you in the woods when you was not looking XD Also what did it mean on the laptop when it ...
250 responses 60
Sonic wwffy (for girls!) 6 *Valentines Special*
So this time is a Valentines Special! I'm sorry its so late! Anyway recap! You and the girls had a sleepover and you nearly admited your secret love to them. One of them found out and fundly enough it was the girl who also had ...
279 responses 141
Sonic wwffy (for girls!) 5
Ok so part 5! I hope the results from last time did not make you mad or anything or...ok recap! You realised you cant go home and the girls plan a sleep over and you are going! Ok done! oh I forgot! You also went on a "DATE" wi...
242 responses 91
Sonic wwffy (for girls!) 4
Ok done parts 1,2,3 and 4 now! This one may have long results anyway please rate and comment! I want to hear what you think and who you got! Please see the other before you take this one! thx ok recap: you have been taken in to...
274 responses 76
Sonic wwffy (for girls!) 3
Ok! Before recap I just wanna say the pics 4 da results might start to be diffrent on random days! Don't know when but they might so sorry if you dont like! Ok recap time! You have gotten to know the gang and they help you at s...
367 responses 77
Sonic wwffy (for girls!) 2 (1)
Good to know that you guys liked my last quiz! Ok recap! You have the perfect life exept for getting bullied at school and one day you get a mean message so yougo for a walk to calm yourself down. You see a "shooting star" and ...
314 responses 82
Sonic wwffy (for girls!) 1
Hey guys! Wow I have not been on here for ages! Anyway I know you guys (or most of you) loved my last wwffy on here but I had run out of ideas to use! So now im doing this one! Ok the results could be Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Man...
320 responses 96
Is This Real? WWFFY part 1
Just another day, just another dead body. Yep. You read that correctly.
65 responses 10
Sonic WWFFY: Just a Game
You're a human girl with a normal life. Very normal. Very boring. Nothing ever happens to you.
46 responses 13 profile quiz
Sonic WWFFY 16 (girls only!)
Recap: You had a nightmare about your crush and death, heh, anyway you wake up and Scourge is there! Dun dun DUNNNN! Enjoy! XP
291 responses 57