Fluttershy10's Questions
Fluttershy10 asked 12 questions
If you were to get any pet in the world what would it be? Giraffe,pig,raccoon whatever ...

What's your biggest regret in life?
Was 2015 the best year ever or not? Was 2015 the best year for you ? Just asking...or w...
What are your 2016 goals?

What's you favourite ice cream flavour ?

What is your dream job? (1) What would you guys want to be when your older?

What's your favourite kind of food?

What's your favourite color? What color do you like red,pink,purple,blue,black etc.

Would you rather make your dream come true or someone else's dream come true?

If u had the choice of getting any animal in the world for a pet which one would you get?

If u had the magical powers to turn in to any animal what animal would u be? Any animal...