(this is RavenDaughterofHades btw)
(this is RavenDaughterofHades btw)

Its been good. how about you?
on December 07, 2015

Oh hey girl how's it been goin we haven't talked in a while
on December 07, 2015
on December 07, 2015

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was HALOfrog1204
on December 05, 2015

created a

Would I think you are cute? (Girls only!)
on November 30, 2015

Crystallize - Lindsey Stirling (Dubstep Violin Original Song)
Pre-order my new album Shatter Me on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ShatterMe or on Pledge Music: http://www.pledgemusic.com/lindseystirling or exclusive deluxe ...
on November 23, 2015

Fluffy_Rulez_Supreme added a photo to the starred list
I'm actually a Gemini, a cuddle addict. What are you?

on November 20, 2015

on June 21, 2015

I agree with gay marriage if people tell u that gay marriage is wrong ask them wats wrong with gay marriage. they either stare at u or walk away u almost NEVER get an answer to the question
on June 05, 2015

on May 30, 2015