Welcome ;) and Finnick from the actual books, is so funny ... and so much more, obviously, lol

who else read the books, think that they rocked (way more than the movie) and think that Finnick of the movie will never be able to be as good as Finnick of the book?!?
on November 26, 2012

on November 25, 2012
on November 24, 2012

did you know there was a nother quizqween?
i didnt intel now! lol
but therecan be two right?
anyways the aoter one has more followers:(
by the way the frog has no meaning here!
i didnt intel now! lol
but therecan be two right?
anyways the aoter one has more followers:(
by the way the frog has no meaning here!
on November 22, 2012

Hey!Welcome to qfeast!
on November 22, 2012

I was Flinnick but then i spelled Flinnick with a l its Finnick not Flinnick
on November 22, 2012