
@Kssnipergirl2002 he's my favorite youtuber! My mom literally argues with me about Jack and Mark
on August 09, 2019

on August 09, 2019
on August 09, 2019

Tw for anything mentioned earlier.
I'm sorry for trying to make light of mental problems. I have a few myself and they run in my family. Everything got dragged too far when I told my friend and she said stuff. That was wrong on my part. I should have just kept quiet and nothing would have happened. And the main reason I'm getting so irritated so easily is because I recently got off medicine that made me worse and I just have a lot of built up anger form home. I know I shouldn't See More take out on people who didn't do anything. I'm sorry
I'm sorry for trying to make light of mental problems. I have a few myself and they run in my family. Everything got dragged too far when I told my friend and she said stuff. That was wrong on my part. I should have just kept quiet and nothing would have happened. And the main reason I'm getting so irritated so easily is because I recently got off medicine that made me worse and I just have a lot of built up anger form home. I know I shouldn't See More take out on people who didn't do anything. I'm sorry
on August 06, 2019

on August 06, 2019

He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright
He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight
He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar.
And he ain’t gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more See More
"Is everybody happy?" cried the Sergeant looking up
Our Hero feebly answered "Yes," and then they stood him up
He leaped right out into the blast, his static line unhooked
and he ain't gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more
He counted loud, he counted long, he waited for the shock
He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt that awful drop
The silk from his reserves spilled out, and wrapped around his legs
And he ain't gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more
The risers wrapped around his neck, connectors cracked his dome
Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones
His canopy became a shroud as he hurtled to the ground
And he ain't gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more
The days he'd lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind
He thought about the girl back home; the one he’d left behind
He thought about the medics, and wondered what they'd find
And he ain't gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more
The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild
The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled
For it had been a week or so since last a chute had failed
And he ain't gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more
He hit the ground, the sound was splat, the blood went spurting high
His comrades were to say "What a heck of a way to die!"
He lay there rolling around in all the welter of his gore
And he ain't gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more
There was blood upon the risers, there was brains upon his chute
Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit
They picked him up, still in his suit, and poured him from his boots
And he ain't gonna jump no more
He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight
He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar.
And he ain’t gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more See More
"Is everybody happy?" cried the Sergeant looking up
Our Hero feebly answered "Yes," and then they stood him up
He leaped right out into the blast, his static line unhooked
and he ain't gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more
He counted loud, he counted long, he waited for the shock
He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt that awful drop
The silk from his reserves spilled out, and wrapped around his legs
And he ain't gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more
The risers wrapped around his neck, connectors cracked his dome
Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones
His canopy became a shroud as he hurtled to the ground
And he ain't gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more
The days he'd lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind
He thought about the girl back home; the one he’d left behind
He thought about the medics, and wondered what they'd find
And he ain't gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more
The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild
The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled
For it had been a week or so since last a chute had failed
And he ain't gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more
He hit the ground, the sound was splat, the blood went spurting high
His comrades were to say "What a heck of a way to die!"
He lay there rolling around in all the welter of his gore
And he ain't gonna jump no more
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die
With a rifle on his back as he’s falling through the sky
Gory, gory what a heck of a way to die, and he ain't gonna jump no more
There was blood upon the risers, there was brains upon his chute
Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit
They picked him up, still in his suit, and poured him from his boots
And he ain't gonna jump no more

Hey uh sorry I can't reply you on chat room cause I need rep. to do so.
So yeah sorry
And ok you can be my bro!
So yeah sorry
And ok you can be my bro!
on August 06, 2019

on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019

on August 02, 2019

This is my last day to be online in the daytime. I will see you all this evening and remeber, we are never truly alone in our own minds or this universe!
on May 15, 2019

on May 15, 2019

@moody.blue @Undertale_SHIPPER @GhillyFeels
Le persone smetteranno di discutere? C'è abbastanza stress in corso e sta solo peggiorando le cose.
Just use google translate on that
Le persone smetteranno di discutere? C'è abbastanza stress in corso e sta solo peggiorando le cose.
Just use google translate on that

@moody.blue watch your own life go to hell and get told by your family you're worthless everyday. Online stuff like this is just childish
on May 15, 2019

@GhillyFeels I don't want to sound rude but you could have just scrolled past it. I know it mentioned suicide and suicide is hell for some people, myself included, but you don't always have to say what you think you have to. This is place that some people come to show themselves as a person and people shouldn't judge them for it
on May 15, 2019

@moody.blue it's not she knew before he commented. She has enough issues going on. She doesn't need anymore.
La vita vola troppo veloce perché tutti prendano tutto a cuore. Vivi ogni giorno come se fosse l'ultimo.
La vita vola troppo veloce perché tutti prendano tutto a cuore. Vivi ogni giorno come se fosse l'ultimo.
on May 15, 2019
on May 15, 2019

on May 15, 2019