Which you tuber do you have a connection with? I did dis cuz I wiz bored haha yeah so enjoy guys I'm in this to btw cuz I'm a you tuber my channel is EGC Toons anonymous-user-HsWdk7 published on August 09, 2019 Stacked 1/6 Favorite color? Neon green Red Blue LIGHT BLUE YALL Pink/purple Leaf green 2/6 Who do you want Jacksepticeye Markiplier DanTDM Pewdiepie Sssniperwolf EGC Toons 3/6 How do you like this qu1z so far fall Great AWESOME Yipee No just no Ahhahhahahahhahahahhahah no AWW HELL YEAH 4/6 Spirit animal? Fire Fox Ice Wolf Water Dragon Unicorn Raging Bull Dominant Lion WUT DA HELL 5/6 HoI OiM TeMmIe Hello TeMmIe Get out of the way Shoo shoo little doggie thing Oh it's TeMmIe hoi TeMmIe Hello Greetings 6/6 Hot or cold Hot hot Cold COLD HOT BOIIIIIS