and no i was not doing anything with yang last night we were actually just playing monopoly
on July 06, 2017

i was w/ yang last night and it sounded like zwei was literally fighting something and then we came downstairs and there was nothing there it was like rlly terrifying ?? then the same thing happened again like 5 mins later and iM juSt lIKe sO DonE CAN Y'ALL STOP SUMMONING DEMONS IN THE DORMITORIES THANKS--
on July 06, 2017

yang messaging me "nya~" at 3 am is a common thing now
on July 03, 2017

on July 03, 2017

"so what do you do in your free time"
i read, its apparently not the norm to do that for fun anymore ;;
i read, its apparently not the norm to do that for fun anymore ;;
on July 03, 2017

You guys i just beat yang in an arm wrestle oh my g od
on July 01, 2017

It's like i'm used to the cat puns now??
on July 01, 2017

yang please stop harassing people in the grocery store everytime i turn my back and i see you jumping into their shopping carts
on June 04, 2017

no yang, i will not land on all fours if you throw me off of this couch.
on June 04, 2017

okay but i literally just had to smash a spider with my boot while yang hid behind a couch
on June 04, 2017

help why am i friends with yang she just walked in the room and said "what do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?" and left
on June 04, 2017

that was so embarrassing im never speaking again
on June 03, 2017

Your house is burning down and you can only save one thing what do you save
on June 03, 2017