Hello, it is I, @TricksterOfLife
Isn't it amazing, knowing someone's password
Isn't it amazing, knowing someone's password

fuk u
on March 06, 2016
on March 06, 2016

Floppy will always be right here, inside you.

Floppy the Hammerhead 2
Today Floppy is going to teach you all about the bible. Terry's Picture: http://andywilson92.deviantart.com/art/Thanks-Floppy-472609872
on October 16, 2015

I am the Lorax and I speak for the trees
The trees say to shut the fuckk up
The trees say to shut the fuckk up
on October 16, 2015

guysguys chill
Lily said she miiiight be back in a month
She just needs a break
Until then, keep calm and GET PHIL TO 4MIL
Lily said she miiiight be back in a month
She just needs a break
Until then, keep calm and GET PHIL TO 4MIL
on October 16, 2015

Don't let your dreams be dreams
Yesterday you said tomorrow
So just do it
Make your dreams come true
Just do it See More
Some people dream of success
While you're gonna wake up and work hard at it
Nothing is impossible
You should get to the point
Where anyone else would quit
And you're not going to stop there
No, what are you waiting for?
Do it
Just do it
Yes you can
Just do it
If you're tired of starting over
Stop giving up
Don't let your dreams be dreams
Yesterday you said tomorrow
So just do it
Make your dreams come true
Just do it See More
Some people dream of success
While you're gonna wake up and work hard at it
Nothing is impossible
You should get to the point
Where anyone else would quit
And you're not going to stop there
No, what are you waiting for?
Do it
Just do it
Yes you can
Just do it
If you're tired of starting over
Stop giving up
on October 04, 2015