I remember the first day of 2015 like it was yesterday...
on January 02, 2015

It always seems that the moment I post on a page, everyone is suddenly offline for the next 10 hours.
on January 02, 2015

on January 02, 2015

on January 02, 2015

I have no idea why the text is so small on some of the trophies :/
on January 02, 2015

on January 02, 2015

on January 02, 2015

If you can read this something went wrong :( Also, if you're using the Internet Explorer, you should really consider changing to a better browser. Follow z0r on Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | VKontakte Random | Info | Upload | Songindex | Shirts | IRC (Webchat) | Forum « Previous | Random | Next » Loading comment counter... (click to expand) Please enable JavaScript to view the comments.
on January 02, 2015

Tag, your it.

I was tagged. :T
Tagged by MLPGravityFallsFAN and yah. I'm yo Doge masta yo. Homura Akemi is amaze.
on January 02, 2015

on January 01, 2015

That moment when your Qfeast crush has a Qfeast crush and you secretly wonder if it's you
on January 01, 2015

That moment when you have a Qfeast crush but you don't tell them
on January 01, 2015

Person: do you have an instagram?
Me: yes.
Person: what is it?
Me: top secret.
Me: yes.
Person: what is it?
Me: top secret.
on January 01, 2015

Block The Pig - Play it now at Coolmath-Games.com
Block The Pig Game at Cool Math Games: The pig is on the loose! Help prevent him from escaping by placing stone walls to block his path.
on January 01, 2015