Fearless asked a question
Why do fanfictions almost always contain a kidnapping? In EvEry singlE SkyDoEsMinEcraft...
on August 19, 2014

on August 16, 2014

on August 15, 2014

What the news channels say they do: deliver important news that people need to know
What they really do: complain, talk about things across the world, be sexist, act like celebs
What they really do: complain, talk about things across the world, be sexist, act like celebs
on August 13, 2014

I say this so much irl "I'm not naming names or pointing fingers but somebody (insert what they did here) and that somebody was (insert their name here)"
on August 13, 2014

Found 2 butter ore! SO MAJESTIC!!!!!
on August 13, 2014

Save manatees they are so cute
on August 12, 2014

Fearless asked a question

If you could make a famous band what would it be? Name, style, members, etc.
on August 12, 2014

o-|-< help this fallen senior citizen by clicking the "Follow" button on @Fearless's profile
on August 11, 2014

on August 11, 2014

How do you write the thing below your profile picture? (the one that says save the manatees, how do you write that)

on August 11, 2014
on August 11, 2014

Pokemon Tower Defense SUPER giveaway, ANY Pokemon in my trade list (A TON OF POKEMON) are for trade for any Pokemon that is considered a fair trade (I'm not gonna give you a level 100 Mewtwo for a Level 1 Caterpie) (I will trade it for a Fennekin or a Raichu).
My code is 6243000 and the reason I have this giveaway is because I rarely EVER play the game anymore. Post this on any Pokemon fan's wall!
My code is 6243000 and the reason I have this giveaway is because I rarely EVER play the game anymore. Post this on any Pokemon fan's wall!

I am sending this to people I like on Qfeast, but it is sorta spam, but it's my way of spreading the word.
on August 10, 2014
on August 10, 2014

we have a nnnnnneeeeeeewwwwwww Masters member!!!! @GeekyGoodies9!!!!!
on August 10, 2014