Quix 3.5 More random questions that make no sense put into a personality quiz! UPDATE: this one has actual personality results Fearless published on August 10, 2014 Stacked 1/8 If you were turned into an orange via Pinkie Pie distracting Twilight Sparkle, what would you want to have been originally? A bird A frog 2/8 You want to be a ___. mlp character internet meme cool thing to take with phones 3/8 what question number is this the question number that this is 5 12 4/8 What is your favorite color? *makes a magic force field* Celestia iPhone Overrated 5/8 Are you a pineapple? magic. peanut butter. 6/8 Are you awesome? why is the next answer math? 82 is 41 x 2. I'm board 7/8 What will you get? an answer the answer that I get the right one 8/8 When you notice there is only 8 questions... rrr apples oranges lollipops and baskets with bananas and monkeys on them 7 whee