Okay so I just found out that a tiger killed his owner and then a migic guy killed his wife
on May 08, 2016

on May 08, 2016

on May 08, 2016

Wait, wait, wait, how do you know if your crush likes you back? My friends tell me he likes me back but j think that they're lieing bc they say that for every boy I've liked (it's only been 2 or 3 boys) and then they do something that they say they don't llike me
on May 08, 2016

on May 08, 2016

LOL! My friend wants me to ask her crush for his phone number! Should I or should I not?
on May 08, 2016

I wish I had my crushes phone number...
on May 07, 2016

What should I do if my crush has a girlfriend but it lookanlike he likes me? (My friends say he likes me but idk and its hard to know)
on May 07, 2016

on May 07, 2016