WHOA! You're Sweetie Belle! She's a sweet and funny, a little bit girly, filly who loves to sing and always try's to keep everyone smiling. You may or may not like to sing, but it doesn't matter because you have your amazing personality! You could care less what people think of you, but you have a soft spot for others. You're a social butterfly who's lots of fun! Anyone knowing you is very lucky, anyone not liking you is probably only jealous. The only advise I have is never change, you're wonderful the way you are!
You're a dragon that has power and a little amount of disdain. You're white scales keep you disguised during arial attacks. You care about you're mate and family. If anyone is in trouble, you go to the rescue. If a dragon is trespassing you shoot up into the sky and drop down on them like you were a boulder. Overall, a kind and noble dragon. ^_^