About ElizabethAftonSimp
- Hello! My name is Lee, you can call me L for short. I'm a big fan of the Aftons. I have a severe fear of being ignored, and I will do anything to be recognized. I like women sexually and I do not have a gender! Please don't call me she/her! I have separation anxiety and I and I actually do have a girlfriend and her name is Isabella I call her Isa for short. My username on roblox is Gorilla_Meatloaf. I like playing video games and eating food. My favorite song is Prom Dress by Mxmtoom. And my family hates how I stay alone in my room all day everyday, your probably thinking " ThEn HoW Do YoU HaVe SePaRaTiOn AnXiEtY?! ". Well I rarely get to see my friends online so I really miss them and sometimes I even cry or get violent. If I get 5 followers I will add more information!
- Gender Genderqueer
- Born on November 04, 2004
- Lives in United States
- Joined Qfeast on June 23, 2021