EclipsedWolf13's Questions - Page 2
EclipsedWolf13 asked 103 questions

Any tips for pepole going to the Eastern Carriribein? So in July me and my family are g...

What are your thoughts on The Other Kingdom? When I first heard about it I was told tha...

How do you reconnect a Wii control to the Wii? So,I wanted to play Smash on the Wii aft...

Favriote forigen saying(s)? One of mine is problobly 'Coup de foudre' which is a French...

Have you made a song for Gravity Falls's theme song? I've made three.One that I think s...

Do you procrastinate?If you do,how much? I do.In fact I'm procrastinating right now.Im ...

Any upbeat/slow fariytale/princess songs you could recomend? I really am in need for so...

What's the best way to learn a language that you've never spoken before? Any languge(fo...

What are some amazing and funny YouTubers that aren't as well known? I have to say Kubz...

Do you think you have a purpose?And if you do what do you think it is? Honestly I think...

Which animal for which of these? What animals do you think go with a Shield/Wheat/Wind/...

What are some songs you would recomend? I'm just curious.I recomend B Team in Nightcore...

What are some of your favorite words? Mine are hypocrite,sarcastic,procrastinating,psyc...

What are somethings no one would ever guess about you? I'm a graduated model,I get depr...

What would happen if...? What would happen if you met a younger/older version(either on...

If you could attend any school from anywhere(anime,books,shows,ect.)what would it be? A...

What's your weirdest/most reoccurring dream? I've got to say my Purge dreams and my wed...

What are you hoping happens in the Gravity Falls series finale? Dude,dude...I'm going t...

What scares you? Doesn't matter what it is.Im personally scared of heights,being caught...