on March 15, 2014

on March 11, 2014

peace treaty? *signs* deal?

on March 10, 2014

If this'll make you realize that what you're doing is stupid.... I don't see a problem with it
on March 10, 2014
on March 10, 2014

reasons why you guys should not report me: all of the stuff I made would be deleted and anybody who likes it would have it gone. reasons why blocking is better: you can still take my quizzes, polls, etc., same reason as above^ I quit antics I made a really bad pun out of it called FANtics. Quartz decided to defy the mythology of this acount
on March 09, 2014

Echo is back now!
on March 08, 2014

If you try to be me at least use a picture of something I know about. Nobody is falling for this.
on March 07, 2014

seriously Quartz? at least accept the deal I promise you will like it AND it goes with what you are trying to trick peeps into thinking what I'm like or do you just want me to upload and then you copy and upload?
on March 07, 2014

To Celest, I feel I have done this site a great deal of damage by bullying you. I hope you accept this apology, and also DarkStar I am sorry for the trouble I have caused to you and your friends. I was a jerk. And for that, I apologize. Sincerely, Echo101
on March 07, 2014

I think you are taking this a little to far man.
on March 06, 2014

and Quartz who came up with Airhead Army in the first place? me. Who made #AirheadArmy popular? me. so I am the founder of the AHA.

on March 09, 2014

you make an insult the ultimate two ways to insult an insult is to accept it, and not care, or to use it as a weapon against the original user
on March 06, 2014
on March 06, 2014

Celest... the Echo101 account (who knows how many of us there are?) is prepared.

you can ban me from Qfeast if you want. I don't care! (you have to sing the song like your pic said)
on March 05, 2014
on March 05, 2014