Dragongirl123's Questions
Dragongirl123 asked 16 questions

What is your favorite Halloween movie? Sooo what’s YOUR favorite Halloween movie?
Who was your first celebrity crush? Well? Who was your VERY first celebrity crush?
If you could go to an anime world which one would it be and why? If you go to any anime...
What is your favorite anime? (11)
Kiss marry kill! (Toga, Dabi, and shigarak) My hero academia version! if you do not kno...
Kiss, Mary, kill, Bench trio (dsmp)
If you had one superpower what would it be? I will try you later so give me details on ...

If I was a guy would you guys still like me?
If you could get rid of one thing on your body (for boys) what would it be? AHHH
If you could get rid of one thing on your body (for girls) what would it be? AHHH
Why is @Soul_sister important to you? We need to tell her pls help

whats your zodiac sign? (1) I want to know just for fun, Im a Virgo

I need new music soo help me, share your fav song

what is your fav ship in the dream smp?

would you rather go blind or go deaf?