I hate it when the people that I want to trust the most are always hanging out with the people that hate me the most- bc they always wanna hang out with them and talk to them even though they like to trick and manipulate people- and I just want one- one fvcking person that will listen to me- and understand me- but nope-…someone is always more important- bc they want me to be alone..
on January 14, 2023

When one of your small anime figures falls behind your desk: NOOOO ANYA! TwT *trying to reach for it* ANYAAAA
on January 14, 2023

Catches feelings for a girl: ..probably will stop after a day-
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Still has feeling for her: omg- I’m in love TwT
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Still has feeling for her: omg- I’m in love TwT
on January 13, 2023

When they say that im manipulative, even though they are manipulative to my friends and their friends: ….bruh- qwq
on January 13, 2023

When that one girl keeps calling me for no damn mf reason- : girl- leave me tf alone TwT I don’t even like hanging out with you-
on January 13, 2023

Dragongirl123 uploaded a photo
Me playing animal crossing VS any other game that has violence lmao

on January 13, 2023

When you keep making the perfect cup of coffee: I am the chosen one…of the coffee God!
on January 13, 2023

I am confused:D over what hahahaha- life :)
on January 13, 2023

When you play your music a little too loud: AHHAHAGHAJFMDN *throws my headphones* TwT my ears where being raped- ahhhh-
on January 13, 2023

:O it’s RAINING I love rain- I looooove the RAIN SO MUCH! AHHHHHHH
on January 13, 2023

Who knows what the Lord of the rings and The hobbit is? :3
on January 12, 2023

When you can’t stop shaking be of your anxiety attack: wtf- AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH TwT when will it end?!
on January 12, 2023

..I’m going to go now- bye..
on January 12, 2023

You know I just realized that..I thought I was healing from the trauma and other shit That happened to me- but it turns out- I just stopped feeling pain :)
on January 12, 2023

When you almost drop your phone in the bathtub: AHHAIDNSNJE SHIT YOU MF- omg- …TwT
on January 11, 2023
It’s probably the only thing I’m good at- get abandoned- and heartbroken..